Day Training
With how busy of a world we live in, it’s not always easy to find time to train our dogs depending on what their training needs are. Between having kids, working 8-12 hours, dealing with extracurricular activities and finding time to decompress, sometimes it’s hard to remember the dog needs time too. The Dignified Dog is proud to offer a day train service for behaviours like leash reactivity, house manners and general obedience. This service will take your dog for 4 hours a day out into the world to work on these 3 points. This is to speed up training with your dog so that life can become enjoyable again on walks, or in the home. Call it your highly stimulating puppy sitter service while you go about your day. At the end of the day the trainer will spend an extra 30-45 minutes with you to update you on what was addressed. Day training is recommended for dogs who have done previous programs with The Dignified Dog, to fine tune training further. This is so that you, as the owner, already have a general knowledge of what I will be working on with your dog, and so that your dog will already know who I am.
Day Training Options Include:
Weekly training over a 1 month period (4 weeks).
1 Day Per Week
4 hours a day - 16 hours total
2 Days Per Week
4 hours each day - 32 hrs total
3 Days Per Week
4 hours each day - 48 hrs total